I keep forgetting I have a blog.
It's really a pity, a crying shame because blogging is truly cathartic.
culminating my thoughts and emotions into one post that the entire world can see is thrilling! and humanizing...
Just took a quiz, for fun and i got Sylvia Plath as my soul sista?? what does this mean for my future? i don't think i'm as morbid as this quiz lets on, but the beginning bit is spot on. I'm a sucker for brilliant men. and come on i'm a pretty classy bitch.
the quiz "Which crazy bitch are you?" with the result Sylvia Plath.
You are one intense bitch. You are almost abnormally introspective but this is where your abundant creativity flows from. You love handsome, brilliant, creative genius types but you pay the price when their egos and lustful ways cause them to betray you. You are a very intelligent, classy lady with a black streak and can be very emotional at times. You do have a bit of a morbid side but your words often lead you to be misunderstood as a dark figure but that is just how you protect your soft mushy insides.. jesus, one of these brilliant boys are going to make me lose my MIND one day.
My university is in the NCAA finals for basketball.
i don't really know what that means for me.
other than gloating rights?
omg, i just said: "it's not like i'll wake up tomorrow and stumble on to my future" in conversation about the prospect of marriage at my ripe age of 20.
//i just realized that really makes no sense out of context, but looking back one day. when i'm bored and am wondering what i was thinking when i was young and free i'll look at this update and burst into exuberant laughter, like, HOHOHOHEHAHO.
oOoOOOHHH oh my, i forgot to say I got an internship with the Michigan Democratic Party, i think i did at least.
i interviewed, then he gave me a tour, and then he introduced me as kalyah, "she'll be interning with us this summer".
I'll be doing communications, MY DREAM! working social networks(facebook, twitter, youtube etc), writing press releases following news threads, and general campaign things.
so wretchedly cool. ungh.
summer in lansing, michigan.
living the dream, yall.