Elvis Costello and the Imposters.
such a good cd.
the cd was named after the guy who invented cup of noodles, how pimp do you have to be to pull off something like that without criticism? only praise. MOMOFUKU. it doesn't even roll of the tounge, sweetly. but it is just so damn cool.
i want to use it as some sort of adjective, or exclamation.
"like wow guys that's so momofuku!"
- yea i don't really dig that.
or i guess i could say.
-omg i love that.
there are posters all around campus for this cd. and i honestly thought it was a joke. so i didn't really pay attention. but now i want to take them all and cover my walls with them. so my room will be a bright shade of purple with dashes of lime green and pink about every foot.
i have an interview today, EEEK i'm nervy!!
but i am sitting in a cool seat in the library, and it is oddly calming, i'm facing a HUGE MONUMENTAL window. and i can see down the street for miles, on both ends actually, and it makes atlanta look so fake. like the buildings all look so perfect and beautiful.
everything just looks so... amazing.
i think i'm just in a good mood.
had some coffee and nuts.
and i have my orange highlighter today.
and momma mia...
i feel like part of the appeal of the Dark Knight coming out is because it is allegedly what indirectly killed heath ledger, i feel like other then the movie looking cool as hell, that's the main reason i want to go.
i don't know how i necessarily feel about that..
"And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once. And we should call every truth false which was not accompanied by at least one laugh."