
Prentice Mulford.

"every thought of yours is a real thing-a force"

how to understand this quote...how to put this quote into more words... how to get the true meaning of this statement..
a force? like "may the force be with you"?? (i actually haven't seen star wars.)
force, like power?
or there is "i am not trying to force you to do this"
like make you, which is like power.. in a different sense.
force- (my definition, the twisted kalyah definition)
some sort of in-tangible thing that is significant.

so the quote is saying, every thought of mine is a real thing- it has some sort of intangible significance?
YES that kinda makes sense, well to me.

i just had this sort of epiphany..
because, you see, i was given the secret (a pretty cool looking book that i thought was gonna be like harry potter), and as i was breezing through the pages i stopped on this random one, actually it was only page 4, HAHhahaha, and i saw this quote, needless to say it stumped me. Usually i understand these things pretty quickly, but the more i casually thought about it no answer directly fell upon me. Naturally i had to extricate it, find an answer cause it would just bug me for centuries, and i would annoy everyperson who talked to me, asking what they thought till i came upon a suitable answer.

I think I have, and it is interesting.. simply, this mulford fellow figures every ridiculous thought i might have, like when i think about me falling over the banister on the catwalk in my house, a story up (out of absolute fear) is some sort of subconscious longing to be brought out. SOOO mully, i want to fall? or is my fear of fallling so profound that it is significant in my mind, and when i think about it, the "force" i recieve is one of dread and discomfort? my fear is being brought out, fear usually is intangible significance.. hmmmm, valid.


the end.
( i think)

No, not the end, cause as i was just writing out that i was listening to a mix of mozart and zepplin, i suddenly thought, then where do those statements like, "oh it's just a frivolous thought" or "oh it's not important" or "i dont really know what I am thinking" "or oh it was just a stupid thought", come from?

buttttt. then on the flip side, there is that saying "there is no such thing as a stupid thought" which kind of coincides with monsieur mulfords' statement.
every thought is valuble because, you are valuable. you have one life and every choice you make, or everything you do is valuable because you are the only one doing that thing, ever in the fashion that you are doing. say you jog around the park, and there are hundreds of other people jogging, i doubt any of them are thinking the same thing as you, or feeling the same way. everything you think or do is valuable, is unique.
omg, that is SOOOO arguable. the dreaded topic of conformity vs. non conformity.
can't go into that today.
time for some 1984


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