
i bet she doesn't even know who gandalf is..

i'm wearing a yellow flower in my hair.

i haven't updated this in more then forever. I guess i have just had a lot on my mind.

the moon's not very bright tonight, i blame the clouds.

i finished summer school, YEA YEA YEA YEA YEA YEA.
i'm super happy. and now am relaxing.

i, yes i. kalyah alaina got a job. I honestly don't know how i did it, but I got chosen out of like 100 people, and my bff mitch got an interview too, but I still got the job. I am soooo ecstatic, it seems like a great job!
i just said I 7 times, no wait. 8. nope, 9.

i also found this job at the MSU museum (to work on weekends) as a docent, and it's for a photography exhibit coming from the SMITHSONIAN (where i eventually want to work) so i dunno, can someone say perfect?

but enough about me, now onto the rest of the world...

dear mother nature,

you are screwing with us southern dwellers, the power has gone out probably 8 times this week, and you have made it very hard to step outside without my skirt flying up into my face. BAH, but i love the rainbows you leave out after the storms. It's as if you are saying "sorry, here's a little bit of magic to put a smile back on your face".

p.s. it does.

with love,

I have started painting again, looking at all the storm clouds every day has inspired me. i am making a series of, i guess, dark paintings. lolzers.
and speaking of inspiration, i started singing again. my GOD this summer has had a very adverse toll on my voice. i sound horrid. mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhs.

speaking of mehhhs, i met a boy! not a boy lover boy, haha i wish. but a boy IMed me randomly, apparently we were thrown together by some elusive robot mastermind. oddly enough we got along wonderfully, he is the only other person on this planet, that i have met that also says mehhs. we talked about music, our love of instrumental jazz big band type music, cartoons, the random instruments we play. our plan is to dwell on a street corner, me on the harmonica, whilst playing the piano singing. and him on the recorder.
we will be famous.

someone told me today "before i met you i never had a best friend"
talk about sweet. i couldn't stop smiling, AWESSS.

erm. i'm gonna go watch more episodes of bones, cause my summer nights have taken to sitting on the couch watching episodes of bones then freaking out because i think some man is going to come up behind me with an axe, then take my remains elsewhere for dr. brennan to later find and identify as me.
yea, vivid.


Brandon said...

thanks for the comment.
"hell is full of musical amateurs" is said by George Bernard Shaw.

The art is called The Sulphur Match by John Singer Sargent. You might know that already since you seem appreciate art.

I saw that you listed arcade fire in your music section. would you say they're called The Arcade Fire or just Arcade Fire?

Dan said...

Your summer nights sound a bit like mine... but I suppose a lot of us feel stuck in summer nights sitting on some loungey piece of furniture and watching seasons of mystery-based televsion on DVD. I don't much mind. This summer's still managed to be a good one, and I wouldn't trade my nights on the futon with House and Monk for a whole lot. :)

Anonymous said...

i'm also into those things. care to give some advice?