
MEG, NO! *whimpers* i love you.


I don't understand my obsession with disney movies, i mean, isn't that supposed to be a thing of the past, warm memories of childhood mirth.

i regard alan menken as a genius.

i am in touch with the kid in my heart, no one wants to watch ANYTHING disney with me. apparently we're "tooo old for that" PWAH. you're only as old as you feel, that's what my mom says at least.

As my summer comes to close i find it necessary to think back on it all. take it in, honestly and objectively view the success of my summer, and i have.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhm it kinda sucked.
9 credits, that i sorta rocked the hell out of.
lots and lots and lots of scrabble, and bones!! i love bones.
played quite a bit of piano, didn't sing at all.. not good since auditions are in a week. BAHHH
erm, saw dark knight..
ooh and i also figured out what i want to do with my life, cool!

so... actually subjectively i had a pretty nifty summer. Not objectively though.

i'm excited to go back to msu, to just live again.
i'm rooming with a girl who is pretty much like me, i have a job, i might be doing an accapella group, it's a time for change, i say. Obama anyone...


p.s. i was watching hercules while writing this entry, haha.


Wilhelmina Hernández said...

You figured out what you want to do with your life?! How swell!

Compose Disney tunes, I'm assuming?

Anonymous said...

OMG WHATTTT. please let's watch disney movies together forever?