omg, talk about excitinggg!
I am lying on a mint green comforter, in a green zipup. in a beige room
I am also currently listening to ELTON JOHN.
yea, it's that good of a day.
obnoxiously woke up at 3:30, yea i need to stop staying up ridiculously late... watching the Office, i mean. WHO DOES THAT?
6 a.m. the suns coming out and i am just laying my head down to rest. hahaa.
so i am finally venturing out of my little quaint town and going to trivia at some seafaring sports bar, barnacles?
where i will put to use my knowledge of the most random unimportant shit imaginable.
of course they never ask questions to where my knowledge could be applicable but it's still fun.
UHHHHH new band alert new band alert, i am totally digging the black keys. anybody? anybody?
and i have been listening to a lot of jazz and soul lately, i mean check out my last fm.
ALSO CAR HUNTING, since i am moving back home, unfortunately of course, i need some sort of vehicle to transport me. especially since i live in the middle of nowhere and gas prices are like $30,000 a gallon, practically. and thats relevant because i have no friends that actually want to drive me places. or pick me up.
BUT I WON TICKETS TO CAT POWER FOR WRITING A PARAGRAPH SAYING WHY I LOVE HER. now every single one of my friends want to come pick me up to hang. iI'll post what i wrote, EEEE!!!
As I am listening to Cat Power I am delving into the genius of her sound. The way she takes previously sung songs, and make's it a new song entirely is mesmerizing. She deftly weaves through her notes with such emotion and power, yet with a sense of vulnerability. Which really translates to me, the listener, who feels connected to her sound.
naturally slightly bullshitted, but i think my history of music helped me write that. anywho i think i will wear my fedora.
mmmhm, that will be perf.
oh yea, THE CAR, it is a car from the future
like when i am in it i feel like i can only play techno and when i look out the window everything will be blurred because i will be speeding. i imagine it being like speed racer, which i will never see and never have wanted to see. but still goood comparison.
BACK. it's now around 10:25, and someone ACTUALLY WANTED TO DRIVE ME HOME. this boy is so nice, and likes pink lemonade too! he actually picked a song that is supposed to be like "our song", Tom Petty free fallin', yup.
i also saw that i got comments on my first entry that made me SOOO happy. and they were from people in australia, talk about neato. i love that when i am writing in here about my boring american adventures (from a canadian perspective), there are peopple in the other side of the world reading about it, wellllll how bout' that.
i am now listening to neutral milk hotel, jeff magnum (the singer and all around waif-ish genius) apparently lives in Athens, which is where university of georgia is, which is the only sort of incentive i have to going to UGA.
oh wells. nothing really exciting in my life. dinner sucked i got calamari, it looked like actual squids and i totes couldn't eat any of it. but the nice waitress lady didn't charge me for it, nor did she charge me for my drink... hahaha.
"still the same, just like a cancer and you won't give me a straight answer. if you still want me please forgive me, the crown of love has fallen from me.."
1 comment:
"Set You Free" by the Black Keys. Best ever.
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